Tuesday, May 10, 2011

pinterest FAIL.

pinterest project #1 - nutella cookies (recipe found here)

For my first try as an amateur baker, i decided to give the nutella recipe floating around pinterest a try.

hmmmmm...4 ingredients, cooks in 8 minutes - looks easy enough right?

i started off by gathering all my ingredients (look, there's pinterest!):

I whisked around the kitchen, happily measuring flour, sugar, and nutella, all the while super confident that these would be a perfect post dinner surprise for the husband.

Here are some important lessons I learned:

1. Don't use a blender to mix cookie batter (does everyone know this but me?)
2. If I can't find butter to butter a cookie tray, olive oil is not a good substitute
3. If the cookie batter is too dry, don't decide to add an extra egg without consulting the recipe
4. On the contrary, if the batter is too wet, don't add flour
5. Baking is a whole lot harder than it looks

the sad, sad, sad results of my craziness in the kitchen. trust me, they were not good!

After my failed attempt in the kitchen, I was really discouraged. How could I manage to royally mess up something so easy and simple? If I can't even do this, how can I do any of the other crazy craft projects I've been drooling over on pinterest? :(

After sulking on the couch while eating a bag of sour cream and onion chips and watching a few episodes of the real housewives of orange county (and getting a really great pep talk from the husband), I got over it and realized that everyone has to start somewhere - even the pro's! I'm not going to get anywhere by giving up the first time it gets tough, and if I really want to become a better baker, chef, knitter, crocheter, crafter, sewer extraordinaire, its going to take a lot of time, work, and commitment. Thanks pinterest, for a lesson well learned!

- pinterester fo' life