Tuesday, April 26, 2011


with the advent of the latest online fad known as pinterest, i have become a bit obsessed to say the least (read - hours and hours of pinning late into the still of the night)
the virtual inspiration boards offer a wide plethora of opportunities for me to indulge in the online hoarding of delicious things to bake, cool crafts to make, and expensive things to drool over like this,
this, and this.

Or this and this!

you can pin things you see as you browse any corner of the web or if you're lazy like me, you can browse the best of web by scoping out other people's top pins :) if you haven't checked it out, request an invite asap to join in on the fun. trust me, you won't regret it!

now that i've fully embarassed myself on the web by letting out my inner dweeb...i can share with you (all 2 of you who read this, you know who you are!) my most recent epiphany.

wait for it.........wait for it.........i promise its really good.

inspired by the advice from a dear friend of mine who recently told me, "stop pinning and start making!" i decided to stop
talking about all the things i want to make and actually put my money where my mouth is (in case you haven't noticed, i have a strong tendency to talk about anything and everything, ramble off topic, and conversate your ear off) by baking and making all the things that my heart desires on my pinterest boards.

checkkkkk it out:

for those of you who don't know me, this is BIG. like supersize me HUGE. i like to procrastinate, avoid making decisions both big and small, and never finish any extra curricular projects i begin. nothing like a shot of the cold, harsh truth to bring me back to reality - who am i kidding can i really even do this? (see how i like to talk myself out of doing things? no looking back, full steam ahead!)

now in case you can't tell yet, i'm a super noooob to baking, crafting, sewing, knitting, crocheting, diy-ing etc. although i've adored these hobbies from a far for most of my life, aside from a few poorly knit scarves now in the goodwill bin and brownies baked from a cardboard box (although sometimes i even somehow manage to mess up adding eggs and water - go figure?), i've never fully committed to pursuing any of these fabulous activities for longer than a month.

come join me on my journey to find my inner do-it-yourself-er :) i can't promise wearability, i can't guarantee tastability, but i sure can assure you that we'll be laughing the whole way!

signing off for the first time ever,
pinterester fo' life!

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